Tuesday 4 December 2012

Individual Film Idea- Emma

Film Idea

  •        Female teenage serial killer
  •      Unassuming character- sweet, liked, quiet, clever
  •    She has had trauma in her life previously- lost her family at a young age, living with an over-religious aunt
  •       Goes on in life to have urges to kill
  • ·     Picks of people who she believes deserve it- people who picked on her as a young child, pick on other people

·       The story starts with seeing her at school, singled out in colour against a background of grey, bustling people in a school hallway
·      Someone is rude to her, hear the sound of screams over the top of the audio
·      As the story unfolds we see the police begin to close in on her, they discover the crematorium she uses has been broken into, unexplained human waste
·      Her character changes, becomes more maddened and insane
·      Get flashbacks of her disturbing childhood- death, abuse
·      She ends up killing herself rather than getting caught. 

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