Thursday 7 February 2013

Character Profiles

Character name: Lily Tyler
Played by:  Molly Hill

Character details
Age: 18
Physical description: Average height, with blue eyes and blonde hair.
Characteristics: Typical 18 year old girl from the 70s decade. She is dismissive of her parents rules and follows her heart, she is a strong believer in true love and often thought of as a hopeless romantic. She loves to read books and often gets lost in her own thoughts. She can be somewhat naive at times.
History: Lives in a strict household with both parents and younger siblings, she is well known and liked within her small community. Works in a small locally owned shop close by her home, is entangled in a secret love affair, with plans to elope.
Role: Antagonist (Goffman's theory)

Character name: Amy             
Played by: Siobhan 
Characters details
Age: 16
Physical description: mid length blonde hair, average height.
Characteristics: Closed minded, tries to act older than the rest of the people in her friend group. Can often be quite stubborn, likes to be in charge and doesn't like doing what other people tell her to do.
History: Lives at home with her mum and older brother, her best friend is Emily.
Role: Protagonist (Goffman's theory)

Character name: Emily

Character details
Age: 16
Physical description:
Characteristics: Easily led on by other people, the quietest of her friend group.
History: Been best friends with Amy since she was very young, as Amy's mum is a close friend of Emily's family.
Role: Deuteragonist (Goffman's theory)

Played by: Shannon

Character name: Jess

Character details
Age: 16
Physical description:
Characteristics: Very loud and talkative, loves telling stories and being the center of attention. Gets jealous easily, can be quite spiteful at times and enjoys making harmless fun of people, usually her friends, never in a mean manner though, always playfully.
History: Lives with her mum and dad near Amy, is an only child.
Role: Deuteragonist/bit player (Goffman's theory)

Character name: Lucy
Played by:  Emma

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