Film Title: The Wanting
Duration: 2 Minutes
Audience: The film certificate is a 15 as it may scare younger audiences. It is aimed more at teenagers aged 15 above. It is mainly aimed at a male audience as they are stereotyped as liking horror films more than females. They would enjoy other horror films, especially ones about spirits and ghosts. Also, it would be aimed at an independent audience as it doesn't have a big budget and it doesn't appeal to a wide range of people.
Summary: film starts with flashback, shot in black and white. A girl is seen running through a forest, a man is chasing her, he grabs her, and kills her. The camera then pans to the right and something shiny can be seen in the distance, the camera zooms in to reveal a ring. The camera then zooms out, as it's zooming out it fades from black and white to colour, to show it's no longer a flashback and it's now the present day. Four friends are seen in the woodland area, they spend a lot of time just hanging around in the woods, until one of them discovers the ring. They then put it on their finger. Screen fades to black.
Suggested Elements: Starts off with a flashback of the murder and then goes to a close up of the ring on the ground. Changes to present day and shows the friends going to the park and finding the ring.
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